How text therapy saved my life during the pandemic

Ever since April 2020, I have been in what some people call “survival mode.” I lost my job, experienced a nasty break-up, and just generally had no idea what to do. In short, my mental health was in shambles. I even had to change my medication, because I had been taking Xanax at the time and it was not doing me any favors. However, changing my medication was not enough: my confidence and self-worth were

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suicide world mental health day

Thoughts of suicide? Help is at hand

If you are having suicidal thoughts, click here for expert advice and for links to support groups, medical help and hotlines.  “I slowly opened my eyes, the place was filled with police officers and one was gently talking to me as I gained consciousness.” Chris Haill, 54, is retelling the story of his suicide attempt in 2020. After living with depression for almost four decades, he made his second attempt at ending his life on

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From Beder's Kitchen

Cooking for mental health From Beder’s Kitchen

Every night during Britain’s first lockdown, chef Joudie Kalla’s phone would ring at exactly 7pm. The friend on the other end would not need to say a word. Instead, she would sit watching on FaceTime as Kalla forced down mouthful after mouthful, or they would eat together in companionable silence, or she would tell Kalla anecdotes about her day, before ringing off and repeating the whole process the following evening. The kind gesture helped Palestinian

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Expert: What to do about suicidal thoughts

Dr. Paul Gelston, Clinical Psychologist at Dubai Community Health Centre shares his advice:  What to do if you’re having suicidal thoughts: For people suffering with mental health difficulties, one of the helpful things you can do is to become familiar with your symptoms: how your difficulties usually present, what triggers the difficulties and what helps them. I would advise anyone who has thoughts that life is not worth living or that things appear hopeless, to please

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Laura Clarke suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day: ‘Talking is the most important thing’

Tom Clarke’s daughter Laura was the eldest of three children. In 2018 she left her mother and two sisters in Dublin to live with her dad in Dubai and study. However after a long struggle with mental health challenges, including borderline personality disorder, and all possible interventions by her family, she took her own life on September 2, 2019 at the age of 23. Tom is speaking about his loss to reach others who may be struggling. This

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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