Squirrel Sisters

‘Sugar is having a detrimental affect on our health’

Gracie and Sophie Tyrell had a very personal reason for creating their healthy snack brand Squirrel Sisters with no sugar added. The 2015 launch of their company was directly linked to Sophie’s diagnosis with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a potentially life-threatening heart condition, and her recovery from major heart surgery. Sophie was an active 25-year-old who loved endurance runs and bike rides, trekking mountains in the UK and working hard in her marketing job, until a free health

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Roy Koyess, founder of Freakin Healthy

Making healthy snacks that pass the taste test, too

Roy Koyess was tired of not being able to find heathy snacks that were tasty and affordable, so he started his own snack company, Freakin’ Healthy, targeting ‘Intenders’ – people who intend to embrace a healthier lifestyle but are not sure how to do it.

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House of Pops

6 healthy (ish) snacks to satisfy your cravings now

There are a lot of “healthy” snacks out there on the market now, but not all of them are actually that good for you, nor are they all satisfying or worth the sticker price. There is nothing worse than trying to bridge that late-afternoon gap between lunch and dinner by trying something new, but ending up with a snack that makes you feel as though it would have been better to eat nothing at all.

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Fox Nuts Tammy Moolchandani

‘Weakness’ for snacking led to Dubai’s Fox Nuts

At 35, Tamanna Moolchandani was struggling to conceive. She knew it was related to her weight — doctors were clear on that. Her problems were compounded by Type 2 diabetes, which was also weight-related.  Moochandani knew she needed to make changes and  decided to consult a nutritionist. She joined a weight-loss programme, started exercising and eventually shed a whopping 40kg. It worked: she is now the mother of a five-year-old son. But even as the

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Livehealthymag.com is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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