sleep 101

Sleep 101: How to finally get a good night’s rest

Getting under the covers for a good night’s sleep is what keeps us healthy – both physically and mentally. Not only does 40 winks improve memory and cognitive function, it also boosts the immune system, lowers the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and helps regulate your mood. It can also improve athletic performance, aid in weight management, and improve your skin’s appearance.  But are you getting enough of it

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screen time

‘Unfettered screen use for children is becoming normalized’

It was a concern for parents before the pandemic and it’s only gotten more paramount: what are the dangers of children and young people being brought up on a diet ever-increasing screen-use and passive, digital content consumption? The reality is that the rapid increase in screen use during the pandemic continues, and runs the risk of causing a surge in mental health conditions in young people, according to Dr Ateeq Qureshi, a psychiatrist from the

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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