expatriate make a home

Make a home for better mental health

There’s a lot of happiness in having less. As Fumio Sasaki’s teaches in Goodbye, Things: “There isn’t a single person who was born into this world holding some material possession in their hands.”  As an expat, I’ve have long wrestled with the “I might be moving soon” predicament, keeping the number of things I own to an almost bare minimum. Right now, I am in the throes of a contradictory issue. I am having a

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What the GCC taught me about minimalism 

I’m a minimalist, which means I love doing something you probably loathe the very idea of: cleaning. Never did I have to be forced to clean my room as a child. I took to the task merrily, happily, purposefully. I make a mean bed – throws, pillows, configurations, tightly tucked sheets – and I do it upon waking. Likewise, hoovering is an exfoliation, removing the dead home cells to let the lively ones underneath come to surface

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Livehealthymag.com is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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