
What you need to know about migraines vs headaches

It’s been a stressful 12 months, so reports of a a 2,000 percent increase in Google searches on headaches should not come as a huge surprise. Headaches affect up to 78 percent of the global population at some point in their lives. Then there’s the 15 percent of people who suffer from the crippling impact of migraines.  According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world, classed by the

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Why my migraine is so much more than a headache

I’m yawning as if I haven’t slept in days. I’m struggling to string a sentence together. I can smell gas. I’m desperate for hard boiled eggs and cheese.  And I know what’s coming next.  For me, these and a host of other miserable, mind-boggling sensations and symptoms are the first warning signs of a migraine and the endless days of suffering that will accompany it.  My first migraine struck when I was seven years old.

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