Infographic: How much sugar is in our favorite food and drink?

Sugar by the teaspoon poster portrait
Infographic by Emma Tracey

At, we like to know what’s in our food, especially the sugar content. That’s why we are telling you what’s in some of the most common items we eat and drink – and the news might surprise you. That protein bar? Five teaspoons. A Spanish latte? Eight. We are all good at rationalizing what we eat, as evidenced by a recent article in The Independent in which readers were shocked to learn that their favorite Easter treat, the Cadbury Creme Egg, contained more than six teaspoons of sugar – almost the entire daily allowance recommended by the National Health Service.

“Wowsers! That’s A LOT of sugar,” remarked one Twitter user.

A long-term study published this month in the Journal of the American Heart Association found consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) to be associated with adverse changes in lipid profiles, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, leading to imbalances. The researchers collected results from more than 5,000 subjects – including parents and their offspring – involved in two different studies beginning in 1948 and lasting more than six decades. Natural fruit juices, the study found, did not have the same effect.

“Currently, there is substantial evidence that supports limiting consumption of SSBs for multiple health benefits, including reduced risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease,” wrote the study authors.

Here in the UAE, we’re not swearing off sugar or the foods and drinks we love  and we’re not suggesting you do, either. We just want to know what we are ingesting so we can have a little more clarity about why we feel the way we do and so we can make some changes accordingly, if need be.

#HOWSWEETITISNT is a series of articles, infographics and videos, in which takes a closer look at scientific and anecdotal evidence telling us why and how the sugar we love to eat is hurting our health – and what we can do about it. is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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