Charl Reze, the culinary instructor at the European International College in Abu Dhabi and better known as Chef Islam, was a guest on The Podcast on May 17, 2020. Among the topics addressed in a wide-ranging discussion on the future of food were the Covid-19-related shift to veganism, what the lasting impact might be for cooking at home and whether we will ever bring back the buffet.  From virus-phobic to veganism From Dubai to...

An Emirati technology company has formed a partnership with a Chinese medical firm to develop and test a Coronavirus vaccine in the UAE.  Group 42 (G42) will carry out clinical trials under the supervision of Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health, Wam, the state news agency, announced this week. The partnership between G42 and China National Biotec Group was formally launched this week at ceremonies in Abu Dhabi, Beijing and Wuhan. Trials in the UAE mark...

At 35, Tamanna Moolchandani was struggling to conceive. She knew it was related to her weight — doctors were clear on that. Her problems were compounded by Type 2 diabetes, which was also weight-related.  Moochandani knew she needed to make changes and  decided to consult a nutritionist. She joined a weight-loss programme, started exercising and eventually shed a whopping 40kg. It worked: she is now the mother of a five-year-old son. But even as the...

It is a sad fact that as we age, we grow stiffer in the joints, flabbier in the muscles and thicker around the waist. Keeping fit gets harder over 50 — or does it? Captain Jean-Marc de Montrichard and Kimberley Dittrich would beg to differ. Jean-Marc, a pilot, trainer and examiner for Etihad, was in his late 40s when he became an instructor for Body Combat, Body Pump and RPM and 50 when he opened...

The diversity of the UAE has been the country’s greatest advantage in the fight against Covid-19, AbdulRahman Al Owais, the UAE’s Minister of Health and Prevention, told an international online summit this week.  All the different nationalities that make up the nation, said Al Owais, have come together to help manage the crisis. When asked how UAE has succeeded largely in containing the spread of the virus, the minister replied: “Two hundred different nationalities —...



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