
How to save big on your electricity bill this summer

We all need to find ways to save money these days, and your electricity bill – in a UAE summer – is a great place to start. Every single person can play a huge part in creating a sustainable environment just by making a few lifestyle changes.

With the constant need for air conditioning, we all know how your monthly electricity bill can spike from May to September. Here are some top tips for keeping bills — and overall energy use — down.

Solar panels on your roof

While solar power isn’t an option in every emirate, it is in Dubai. By switching to solar power, residents can save thousands of dirhams every year on their electricity bill for an average lifetime period of 25-30 years. Moreover, if a villa owner decides to leave the UAE before the stipulated term, they need not worry as the typical resell value of their property will only increase. The sun is not only the oldest source of energy, it is also inexhaustible and cost-effective.

For Dubai residents, Shams Dubai by DEWA allows solar installations on rooftops and garages and will also connect the installation to the grid. This helps avoid the heavy costs of batteries and regular maintenance and eliminates AC and chiller bills.

In 2020 Sharaf DG announced they had  helped more than 500 families reduce their electricity consumption by 3,110,000 kWh, equivalent to savings of 940,000 liters of gasoline annually. They didn’t have to take care of any of the logistics, either.

“Once residents opt for solar power, Sharaf DG Energy will take care of the finance, design, operations and maintenance,” explained Sanjay Dabur, vice-president of Strategic Business at Sharaf DG. “

Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy does not pollute the environment by emitting greenhouse gases. It is also known to be the cleanest source of energy, ideal for addressing the impact and challenges of global warming.

Change all the lights to LED

Considering lighting constitutes 20 to 30 percent of a typical electricity bill, the transition from traditional bulbs to energy-efficient LED lamps is a great way to dramatically decrease energy bills as well as significantly reducing CO2 emissions. Once you replace old incandescent, halogen or fluorescent lamps with LED lighting, expect energy savings of up to 30 percent. You will be able to make the payback within the first four months.

Depending on usage, an average LED bulb lasts from five to 10 years. LED sources use at least 75 percent less energy and last 25 times longer than regular light bulbs.

Tint your windows to reduce heat gain

With residential solar control film, UAE residents can enjoy relief from the sun without hiding behind heavy curtains or room-darkening shades. Tinting can greatly reduce the heat that passes through a window and reflect away harsh UV rays. The films block up to 80 percent of the sun’s heat and significantly reduce the effect of UV rays that fade furniture, carpets and flooring. By eliminating energy coming in from the sun, visible light is still able to pass through the glass while keeping the temperature inside the room or car cool – and the savings will be reflected on your next electricity bill.

Inspect the efficiency of your AC units

According to the UAE State of Energy Report from the Ministry of Energy, Dubai residents alone consume around 3.3 million refrigeration tonnes of cooling during the peak summer season. While 70 percent of the average UAE electricity bill spike is due to cooling and air conditioning, it is essential to make smart decisions about your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

When you hire a licensed HVAC technician, they make sure that your system is reaching its full potential. With a well-designed thermostat system that monitors and controls the room’s temperature, your air-conditioning doesn’t need to work so hard. Additionally, cleaning clogged filters and dirty vents helps to improve efficiency. This will ultimately increase the life of a cooling system and help prevent the need for emergency maintenance, reducing energy consumption, lowering your carbon footprint and saving even more money.

Monitor your devices using automation

The Internet of Things is an umbrella term technologies that enable devices to be connected to the Internet. In a “smart home”, all electronic devices can be controlled via an app or even by voice command. With the use of sensors, the system constantly collects data to determine your consumption patterns.

Incorporating these simple tips not only creates a better home to live in, saves money on your electricity bill, but also addresses the bigger issue of climate change.

  • The feature was provided by Sharaf DG Energy and originally ran in August 2020. is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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